"We're Blogging This...."

WELCOME To desurfsup BLOGSPOT....
A blogspot is just a fancy word for "web-log" or a place on the web to type in your thoughts or news you would like to share....we are so excited that you are here....click on the comments tab under any topic below and join in the conversation....if you need a little more information about blogging, view the video below "Blogs in Plain English".
Happy Blogging Surferdudes and dudettes!!!

Blogs in Plain English



Happy Saturday and thanks for a good start to our first week of school! On Friday, Ms. Panico asked you guys to respond to this blog posting (see below) and to comment anonymously until you get your email accounts...what she forgot to tell you was after you click on the anonymous tab and you begin your answer, put your two initials in front of your answer so that she will be able to give you proper credit for your answer!!
Ok...today's posting is as follows:
Tell us about three things you would like to change about our world, if you had the power to do so!

Thanks for visiting desurfsup's blogspot...have a safe weekend and keep on reading and blogging!


  1. AG Three things I would like to change in the world,if I had the power to do so are 1)Stop Pollution. 2)Save the Polar Bears from becoming extinct. 3)Make the world a greener place to live in.

  2. If I had the power to change 3 things about the world i would..... 1st:Fix the Enviorment. 2nd:Stop world hunger. 3rd:Stimulate the economy.

    from yours truly AF glowing bowling ball fish

  3. P.H.
    If i had the the power to change three things in the world they would be, 1. help the hungry, 2. stop global warming, 3. stop abortion!

  4. DM If I had the power to change 3 things about the world I would first catch all criminals second I would Give things to homeless people and third I would Stop pollution.

  5. K.F if i could change 3 things they would be 1.help homeless people. 2.PUTT MORE MONEY INTO SCHOOLS. 3.and help the economy.

  6. i would change global warming poulverty, and epidemics because all these things are causing our world to deteriorate slowliy and is also killing man kind.

  7. J.B.
    If i had the power to change 3 things about the world i would....
    1st:Stop starvation. 2nd:Control gun violence. 3rd:Population extinction.

  8. c.d-->the three things i would like to change about the world is pollution the economy and immigration.

  9. C.W
    if i could change anything i would change the law that says you cant play the lottory unless your 21 or over. 2,i would fix global warming. 3,i would change the way people smoke drink and do drugs so that nobody does them.

  10. jd- if i could change the world i would stop dumping chemicals in water.. use safer products for cleaning and other things.. and stop wasting water....

  11. o.a....... i would change immigration, war, the law that says we have to be 21 to drink.

  12. T.C three things i would change about the world ......
    1 I would make it so that all states would not have tax on goods and products
    2 I make so homeless people would have homes
    3 I would stop racial profile...

  13. DH I would change the way that people are effecting each other. Also people are effecting the plant. And recycling

  14. EM
    If ihad the power to change three things i would....
    1.stop gang violence
    2.end world hunger
    3.stop racial profiling

  15. if i could chand 3 things in the world, they would be...
    1.Start a global warming organization.
    2.Help save animal species that are dying off, and abused ones too.
    3.Help stop world hunger.

  16. TA : If I had the power to change three things in our world I would 1) Find a solution to end global warming 2) End world hunger and 3) Create world peace.

  17. JO 5-6
    The things i would change would be legalizing marijuana, creating world peace, and lowering gas prices.

  18. Three things i would change are:
    1. Put A Stop To Pollution.
    2. Find a solution to end global Warming
    #. Lower the crim rate

    -Daionna Wright Pd 1/2

  19. Three things I would change about this world is :
    1. The bulling
    2. Have more shelters for the homeless people. Then make them more safe and have better security.
    3. teach them about god
    JL block 1-2

  20. If i had the chance to change the world, first, i would make sure everyone has an education and a job. Second, i would change that people cant have dangerous weapons unless they have a license for it. Lastly, i would make sure everyone in the world are stable with a home and food.


Respond here...happy blogging!