"We're Blogging This...."

WELCOME To desurfsup BLOGSPOT....
A blogspot is just a fancy word for "web-log" or a place on the web to type in your thoughts or news you would like to share....we are so excited that you are here....click on the comments tab under any topic below and join in the conversation....if you need a little more information about blogging, view the video below "Blogs in Plain English".
Happy Blogging Surferdudes and dudettes!!!

Blogs in Plain English


Tuesday, June 23,2009

Today is Tuesday and we have some exciting news...."Student's are taking advantage of the summer library hours at Howard High School!".....(see the comment from Ms. D and Ms. L from yesterday's posting)...this is great news!!!!!!
Keep up the good work and start spreading the news and if you have a chance, leave a comment to today's blog question of the day:

What is your favorite magazine?


  1. My favorite magazine is People magazine....does anyone else like this magazine?

  2. it has go to be "surfers journal" doesn't it?

  3. I love to read the Oprah magazine!It is ALWAYS uplifting, positive and is good for the soul. The magazine has great ideas and has some tips on spending with cost saving info. Do we get Oprah in our library?

  4. C.K. My favorite magazine would have to be sports illustrated. I like this magazine because i like to be kept in the loop about all the sports that are going on.

  5. My favorite magazines are Seventeen and Teen Vogue. Since I'm a teenager, they relate celebrities lives to everyday, normal teenagers. They talk about style and have quizzes in the back to keep us ocupied on a rainy day. (KS)

  6. JM
    I love reading the Ebony magazine. That magazine takes my interest the most because it lets you know what is going on in the black community

  7. My favorite magazine always and for ever will be Sports Illistrated. -BC

  8. My favorite magazine is Seventeen magazine because the magazine is so interesting to read and there is really good advice. -O.S.-

  9. my favorite magazine is Seventeen. i like this magazine because it is full of things that im interested in (latest trends, hair styles, etc.)

  10. my favorite magazine is seventeen magazine because it has a bunch of interesting things to read about.


Respond here...happy blogging!