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A blogspot is just a fancy word for "web-log" or a place on the web to type in your thoughts or news you would like to share....we are so excited that you are here....click on the comments tab under any topic below and join in the conversation....if you need a little more information about blogging, view the video below "Blogs in Plain English".
Happy Blogging Surferdudes and dudettes!!!

Blogs in Plain English


Happy Birthday America!

Today is Saturday, July 4....and it is America's 233rd birthday...wow...that is old! Happy Birthday America!
Today's blog is about short stories....a book of short stories might be something that you'd like to read over your summer vacation...check out the video interview with David Lubar, a popular writer of short story collections and before that a video game creator....don't forget to leave a comment...

A video interview with

David Lubar

View Transcript

David Lubar's goal is to delight and entertain his readers. He certainly does this in short-story collections and books like his "Weenies" series, True Talents, and Dunk, using a combination of adventure, cliffhangers, explosions and wacky humor. When asked if he writes with boy's in mind, Lubar demurred, "the ability of girls to appreciate a good lit fart is vastly under-rated in our society." Hear, hear.

Watch this interview or read the interview transcript. You can also read a short biography of David Lubar or see a selected list of his books.


  1. Listened to David Lubar talk about his writing when he presented at the Festival of Words at UD a few years ago. He was good. He also didn't have any problem sharing with his audience where he got some of the ideas for his stories. Patricia McCormick will be at the Festival this spring, and I hope I will be able to take Delcastle Book Club members to hear her speak about writing.

  2. Listened to David Lubar talk about his writing when he presented at the Festival of Words at UD a few years ago. He was good. He also didn't have any problem sharing with his audience where he got some of the ideas for his stories. Patricia McCormick will be at the Festival this spring, and I hope I will be able to take Delcastle Book Club members to hear her speak about writing.

  3. D.J- I really didn't know america was that old! Go us :)

  4. Yay Happy Birthday America!! It's getting so old. CC-3/4

  5. FR 1/2 I think that it is important to acknowledge the Earth because our future youth won't be able to survive without itn


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