"We're Blogging This...."

WELCOME To desurfsup BLOGSPOT....
A blogspot is just a fancy word for "web-log" or a place on the web to type in your thoughts or news you would like to share....we are so excited that you are here....click on the comments tab under any topic below and join in the conversation....if you need a little more information about blogging, view the video below "Blogs in Plain English".
Happy Blogging Surferdudes and dudettes!!!

Blogs in Plain English



Good Afternoon all you surfers!
To finish our thought for today's blog....A rainy day is the perfect time to surf your way through a good book, magazine, newspaper or a wonderful article on the internet. It is also a perfect time to reflect about what you read....on a blog! There are many reading choices on the Summer Reading website....http://www.desurfsup.com....so take advantage of this "rainy day Thursday" and start surfing!!!!!!
Don't forget to leave a comment, to get the blog going!!


  1. Just finished reading the Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation by M. T. Anderson. Although I thought it dragged along in parts, it really was an interesting story, more because it is based loosely on truth. The story, set in America during the late 1700s, is about the upbringing of an African child by a group of educated men who approach his growth and education as they would any scientific experiment.
    Many of the details and circumstances included in the story are both compelling and disturbing.

  2. Just started reading the book Double Helix by Nancy Werlin yesterday and I'm more than halfway through. This mystery story won the Edgar Award and I can see why. If you like mysteries, especially those dealing with real life issues, you'll like this book.

    The main character, Eli Samuels, has just graduated high school and taken a job with a scientific corporation involved in research on transgenics. Of course, his dad doesn't want him there and it has something to do with Eli's mother, the legendary molecular biologist who owns the company, and Eli. Secrets, secrets, and more secrets!

  3. Ms. E,
    It looks like you are an avid reader, kudos to you...I'll bet you have a wonderful schema (information we have already attained).Keep on surfing your way through those books this summer!

  4. Today 4/8/11, is also a rainy day... seems like perfect weather to find a nice book that fits my interest and lay down and enjoy it!


  5. I love the calm, relaxed feeling you have when it is a pleasant rainy day. I just adore when i can curl up in a blanket and read a amazing book when it is raining outside!


  6. Period: 7/8

    i wish i was their for those waves =(

  7. waves are fun. TG

  8. S.A
    A rainy day is the perfect time to curl up with a good book. I love the calm, relaxed feeling you have when it is raining outside.


Respond here...happy blogging!