"We're Blogging This...."

WELCOME To desurfsup BLOGSPOT....
A blogspot is just a fancy word for "web-log" or a place on the web to type in your thoughts or news you would like to share....we are so excited that you are here....click on the comments tab under any topic below and join in the conversation....if you need a little more information about blogging, view the video below "Blogs in Plain English".
Happy Blogging Surferdudes and dudettes!!!

Blogs in Plain English


Make an Avatar and have your avatar read your favorite short poem or quote

Today is Monday July 13, 2009
Ok websurfer dudes....surf your way over to Mrs Keeney's avatar (on the right hand side of this blog), click on create your own voki (avatar) and read your favorite 60 second quote, poem or excerpt....it is soooo much fun!....Then you can email it to desurfsup summer reading club.....our email address is
don't forget to come back to the blog and leave us a comment.....have fun!


  1. Hey try the Avatar it is supper cool and easy to do need a scary book to read. Any suggestions?

  2. I would suggest any of Dean Koontz's books or Stephen King. His book, The Cell is a good read.

  3. Another scary book is "IT" by Stephen King, check it out on desurfsup under the "horror" section

  4. Hey Surfers, Going to the Library today to pick up the book "The Chosen One" .Heard great reviews about it. Will keep you informed.
    Enjoy surfing your books.

  5. I think that this is really cool!!!! I tryed all 3 ways. I typed out a message, called my phone to record one, and even used my microphone! Its a neat way to get active with the fun things you can do from desurfsup! THANKS! :)

    DESURFSUP would just like to say THANK YOU!!!!!!!...We appreciate your feedback and hope that you will continue to READ, TRY OUT NEW THINGS ON THE WEBSITE, and then BLOG about it!
    You're SUPER in our book!!!!!!

  7. i hear that the avatar is awesome i can't wait to make mine

  8. I can't wait to make my avatar, he is going to be awsome!

  9. D.W- I think the avatars are kinda creepy........they're eyes follow your mouse around screen and the way they look when they are talking is really weird.


Respond here...happy blogging!