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Blogs in Plain English


The Cemetery Dance

Today is Friday July 10th. We just came from dinner and are working on our grand website. Check out the Voki Mrs.Keeney made...(you can make one, too). The Cemetery Dance is the 8th book in a series written by Lincoln and Preston. It all started with the book "The Relic". Did you see the movie? pretty scary...we can't put the book down. It starts with a monster in the basement of a museum and the story flies from there. Short chapters, exciting characters, imaginative places, and a fast plot makes reading fun... Have you ever heard of the Relic or a similar story? Leave a comment. Don't stay up to late reading and surfing the web...


  1. Just started Thirsty by M.T. Anderson. Ever since I read the Twilight series I'm into vampire books. If someone has read it, let me know what you think.

  2. desurfsup club has read all four "vampire" books written by Stephanie Myers...we have not read Thirsty by M.T. Anderson but would like to start it....Mrs. E., keep us informed which chapter you are on and we will try to keep up...As always....thanks for blogging!!!!

  3. Almost finished Cemetery DAnce. What an awesoome book. Can someone suggest a book for me that is scry and fast paced? Get to get back to reading... Keep surfing ...

  4. B.w
    I have never read this book but anything that had to do with death or cemeteries are good in my book.

  5. This book sounds really good i would deffinatly read this book.A.V.7-8


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