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Blogs in Plain English



Today is Monday, August 17, 2009...
Surf's Up and next week it is "back to school"! Do any of you reading/web surfer's have the "back to school jitters"?...Believe it or not, some adults even get those same feelings when it is time to go back to work or school after a little summer vacation! It is ok to feel a little apprehension! The good news is that you still have time to read and surf the summer reading website...so grab your reading material and computers and get busy surfing!! Don't forget to leave a comment below and tell us what you've been doing all summer!


  1. I could not sleep the night before school, but I did have my reading assignment ready for the first day. When will they be graded?

  2. i am really excited to start my 4 years n del castle vo tech i am also ready to start my readn to

  3. For my summer readin i read the book Crank, by Ellen Hopkins. I thought this book was very interesting.The book was about a good girl that visits her dad,and starts to do crank. when she gets home her family doesnt really notice what shes doing behind her back. Her mom finds out that shes on crank and puts her on GUFN(Grounded Until Farther Notice).The girl sneaks behind her moms back and still does crank.In the book she gets raped ,while trying to score some crank from the guy.Later on she finds out that shes having a baby from the guy who raped her. and to top things off her boyfriend is leaving for college.I n the end she ends up having the baby,and it was healthy.

  4. the the befor school started i had the jiters i could not go to bed that day but i knew that i had to for school i just could no go to bed everything had to be perfect fo the next day.

  5. Nervous and exciting were the feelings I had. Delcastle is a big building and afraid of getting lost. Everyone is helpful.
    What did you read this summer?

  6. I still have to use help to get around delcastle that building is way to big for me! i am still afraid of school. I cant belive we are almost into october and we hardley feel like summer is over im sure not ready for it to end!Also for my summer reading book i read a book named the body of christopher creed about the boys best friend kept looking for him and no one ever found him chris ran away because he was bullied way to much in school.

  7. I was to excited to sleep the night before school. I was the fact of knowing that I was going to high school. -BC

  8. I'm usually not nervous about school, I actually get pretty anxious to see friends


  9. Everybody feels the same, before school starts you can't wait to get back and see friends and teachers. After about two weeks, your already ready go home.


  10. TB:
    I always have back to school jitters even though sometimes I don't like the fact of waking up 6 am in the morning after sleeping in all summer.

  11. The first time coming to school I was so nerves couldn't sleep I slept for an hour-JR 1/2

  12. Coming back to school is always difficult.. No more sleeping in and or sleeping late. Even though I usually don't get back to school jitters, this year was the start of a new chapter, High School. I was excited to meet new people and find what my life was headed towards after this experience.


Respond here...happy blogging!