"We're Blogging This...."

WELCOME To desurfsup BLOGSPOT....
A blogspot is just a fancy word for "web-log" or a place on the web to type in your thoughts or news you would like to share....we are so excited that you are here....click on the comments tab under any topic below and join in the conversation....if you need a little more information about blogging, view the video below "Blogs in Plain English".
Happy Blogging Surferdudes and dudettes!!!

Blogs in Plain English


Check out what DESURFSUP's Howard H.S. Principal has to say about literacy!

Today is Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Surfs Up!
Good Morning all you surfers!....DESURFSUP club is so excited to read about how our very own Howard H.S. principal is so dedicated to literacy! Click on the link to read the article that was published in Delaware Leaders. Don't forget to come back to the blog posting and share your thoughts!


  1. So exciting !!!The Principal is writing about Literacy . How lucky are Howard students to have Mrs. Edney in their school.
    I can't wait to talk to students about their reading this summer...
    What have you read? I am reading Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. It is a science fiction that tells a story about a change in U.S.... You won't be able to put it down....

  2. Wow...that book sounds exciting Mrs. Keeney...thanks for sharing!!! By the way....love your avatar!


Respond here...happy blogging!