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Blogs in Plain English



Today is Tuesday June 8th, the last full day of school.

Are you ready to start reading some awesome books?


What kinds of things do you like to read; books, magazines, newspapers; articles on the computer?
What book would you like to recommend to your friends?
What cool magazine would you recommend to your friends?
Do you know of any cool reading websites to recommend?

Please leave a comment below the posting.


  1. I am so excited to start my summer reading...I think that I would like to read "Speak", about conflicts with teenage life.

  2. I came into school today to check out this book for my 10th grade summer reading. The book I checked out was "The Adventures Of Ulysses". I picked this book out to read because I find it interesting and I'm looking forward to reading this book because its based off of the Odyssey.

  3. I am excited to be reading Front and Center... It sounded like a good book jus by the back cover... I would recommend this book to anyone:)

  4. I'm reading a book now called (The Host).Best book ever,if your into suspense,horror,and lots of emotions.This is a book I suggest you read.

  5. would reccomend to read more of sports its is relly interesting and better when u read about sports

  6. i enjoy reading true stories or books that are based on true stories. i also like realistic fiction books. i just finished a book called speak for english class. i related to it in a way because i am also a freshman in highschool just like the main character.

  7. CH 5-6
    I like to read books that interest me, i would recommend Charlotte web to my friends i would also recommend Twisted, I would not recommend any magazines too my friends and i don't know any cool reading things on the internet.

  8. MA-78 I like to read mystery books like Pretty Little Liars. I would recommend Nothing. I don't really like magazines for reading, I like to look at pictures though. I would only read a magazine about Justin Bieber.

  9. I like to read books and sometimes magazines. I would recommend a book called "Where the Red Fern Grows" to my friends. A magazine I would recommend is one called "17 Again"

  10. I don't really like reading but when I do I like to read books that interest me and that have to deal with real life problems. If you like those kind of books I would recommend the book "A Child Called It." Books like these interest me because i can relate to them and the things that happen to the characters in the books.
    -A.G 3/4

  11. AS 1/2 11/16/12

    Books are like a movie to me. I like books that interest me. I like to recommend books I like to my friends.

  12. I prefer to read non-fictional books because books are like a movie to me.

  13. I would recommend, Fever 1793 book to my friends. I read this book in sixth grade and absolutely loved it!

  14. I recommend to evrvybody that likes to read to read the Bluford series because I read te whole series and it's sointeresting that i could put the book down. W.B 7/8

  15. I like to read books, especially the ones for the unfortunate events. Those books are the best and full of suspense. One book i would recomend is "Twisted." It's a book about a teenage guy that gets mixed up in the wrong crowd and well i don't want to ruin the story for you.

  16. I love to read books. My favorite genre is non fiction. I don't have any favorite books because all the books I read end up being really interesting. I don't have a website to read books, but i visit barnes and nobles website to see if there are any good books.

  17. I am interested in computer engineering articles as well as pc gaming articles. If I were to recommend a book to my friends, it would be World of Warcraft, the Rise of the Lich King. I don't read too many magazines so I can't really recommend a good one. On the other hand, I can recommend a good reading site known as the PC Gamer. It has many articles on new computer specializations as well as information on many upcoming games.


Respond here...happy blogging!